Voyager Recordings & Publications
Links to Videos of our Artists and Others Online
We have put up many videos of Voyager artists and other fiddlers on YouTube under our YouTube channel "vpwillnw." Others have put their videos of Voyager artists on the Web. Here is an alphabetical list of these fiddlers and other artists with links to the videos of them online.
Anastasio, Paul - From the Seattle Folklore Society’s “Fiddlers Showcase” concert, January 25, 2014, featuring Pacific Northwest fiddlers. Paul Anastasio is a well known Western Swing and Country fiddler, and more recently, for his work in documenting the amazing fiddling found in Terra Caliente, Mexico. Here he is backed up by Rich Levine on guitar. Paul lives in Shoreline, WA and Rich lives in Seattle. They have been playing together for many years. Mr. Anastasio was fortunate to have met great jazz violinist Joe Venuti, who lived in Seattle and played in Seattle clubs the last part of his life. Venuti took him on as his only student. Paul’s style reflects well his mentoring by this jazz master. Paul has toured with Asleep at the Wheel, Larry Gatlin, Loretta Lynn, and others. He runs “Swing Cat” records, https://www.swingcatenterprises.com. Video by Phil Williams. www.voyagerrecords.com.
Sentamenta Waltz (WOTFA Fiddle Contest East Wenatchee, video by Brid Nowlan)
The following videos are from the Seattle Folklore Society’s “Fiddlers Showcase” concert, January 25, 2014, featuring Pacific Northwest fiddlers. Paul is backed up by Rich Levin, guitar, on the first three tunes. On the next five Mexican tunes from Terry Caliente, Paul is backed up by Juan Barco, bajo sexto, and Elena DeLisle-Perry on guitar.
Back Home in Indiana
Bye Bye Blackbird
De Huetamo a Pachuca
Gusto from Angel Tavira
Sacale Una Vuelta al Toro Rabon
Alla en el Rancho Grande
Ni Por Favor
Anderson, Jeff - Mr. Anderson is a noted Scandinavian fiddler living near Tumwater, Washington, with his wife Jane Johnson, who plays button accordion. Jeff’s family came to the U.S. from Norway and the Lofoten Islands. He learned to play fiddle from the playing of his grandfathers from Norway. Jeff and Jane perform at many Scandinavian events, festivals, and other affairs. Video by Phil Williams.
No Name Schottische - Washington Old Time Fiddlers Show, Chehalis, WA, September, 2006Washington Old Time Fiddlers Show, Chehalis, WA, September, 2006
Wiggen Polka WOTFA Fiddle Show Chehalis -District 9, Washington Old Time Fiddlers Show, Chehalis, WA, September, 2006
Miss McLeod’s Reel - 2007 Washington State Old Time Fiddle Contest, East Wenatchee, WA.
Mrs. Anderson’s Waltz Centralia Campout
The Little Drunken Man Centralia Campout
Storviksaetra Vals WOTFA Workshop, Kittitas, WA
Arkansas Traveler WOTFA Workshop, Kittitas, WA
Little Norwegian Boy’s Fiddle Vals (WOTFA Workshop, Kittitas, WA)
The following tunes are from the Seattle Folklore Society's "Fiddlers Showcase concert, January, 2014
Sirkoijen Tanssi Schottis
Sigurd's Polka
Spratt and Snurringen Mazurkas
Mrs. Anderson's Wedding Waltz
The Little Norwegian Boy's Fiddle Waltz
Rassel Olles Shottis
No Name Schottische
Balfa, Dewey - Mr. Balfa was a noted Cajun fiddler who played many concerts in Seattle, where the following video was taken.
Jole Blond.
Barrett, Dick - Mr. Barrett came from Texas where he learned Texas style fiddling. He moved to Montana. He won the National Old Time Fiddle Contest, Weiser, ID, many times and was a major influence on Northwest fiddlers.
Liza Jane
Morning Star Waltz
I Don’t Love Nobody
Back Home in Indiana
Barron, Myllie - Mr. Barron grew up and learned to play fiddle in Saskachewan. His father repaired fiddles as a sideline. He also was a dance fiddler, but could not afford his own fiddle. When Myllie was young, he and his father played dances on fiddles in for repair. Then he got a mail order fiddle kit by mail, which came with one of the popular fiddle tunes instruction books. He became an excellent fiddler. He could take a tune from the "1000 Fiddle Tunes" book and elaborate greatly on it. A transcription of his version of Red River Jig is in a book published by the Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies. These videos were made in the Williams' living room.
Red River Jig
Happy Boy Schottische
Finnish Waltz
Bartley, Dave - My Daddy Was a Dutchman WOTFA Fiddle Show Des Moines, WA. Video by Shirley Calvert.
Berline, Byron - Ragtime Annie (with Texas Shorty)
Sally Goodin
Billy in the Lowground
Blech, Kerry - Gallynipper
Zolly’s Retreat and Washington’s March
Oklahoma Rooster
Head of the Creek;
Irish Reel;
Shores of Lake Erie
Johnny Pick the Strings
Bill Everhart’s Tune
Contra Dancing with the Gods.
Boudreault, Louis -Le Batteux
Bradley, Hank - Bull at the Wagon/Carrol County Blues
Hexadecimal Rag/Ain't Broke
Richmond Blues
Tea Bag Blues
Yellow Gals
Caudill, Roy - Cripple Creek
Ellen Smith, Corinna (Irwin Nash), Fireball Mail, Coming Round the Mountain, Cindy, Cripple Creek, Johnson Boys ; Johnson Boys
Fireball Mail, Fireball Mail, Johnson Boys, Fox Chase, Cripple Creek (with Irwin Nash)
Cindy, Lonesome Road Blues
Roy Caudill was from North Carolina. We met him in 1960 at his Seattle house. He played an old two finger picking banjo style. In the last video he is being interviewed by Irwin Nash. This video was made at KCTS-TV, University of Washington.
Chancellor, Jim (Texas Shorty) - Georgia Boys, Jack of Diamonds
Chancellor Waltz, Midnight on the Water, Bonaparte’s Retreat
Kentucky Waltz, Listen to the Mockingbird, Billy in the Lowground
Say Old Man, Shuck in the Bush
Dubry Waltz
Farr, Laura, and Hagood, Tyler - Bring Out the Cider; From the Washington State Fiddle Contest, East Wenatchee, WA. Video by Brid Nowlan.
Ferrel, Frank - Golden Boy, Reel from Quebec, Soldier’s Joy, Turkey in the Straw, Arkansas Traveler
Beaumont Rag, Hot Canary
Medley of Cape Breton tunes
Medley of Winston Fitzgerald tunes
Bonnie Lass set; Haywood Schottische, Opera Reel
Midnight on the Water, Bonaparte’s Retreat
Humors of Maine
Con Casey’s Jig (with Joe Derrane)
Fox, Jamie - Gilberts Duck Dance
White Buffalo
Yvonne Dumont/Elijah Harper
Reel of Four/Drops of Brandy
Sitting Bull
Friends of Sally Johnson, - Harley Bray, banjo; Shera Bray, guitar, bass; Vivian Williams, fiddle; Phil Williams, bass, mandolin; Barry Brower, mandolin, guitar - Watson’s Blues
Harley’s Breakdown
Gabriel’s Call
Chicken Under the Washtub
Fling Ding
Charlotte Breakdown
Heel and Toe Polka
Angelina Baker
Leather Britches
Whoa Mule
Please Come Back Little Pal
Winter Blues
Walking In My Sleep
Stony Point
Foggy Old London
The First Whipporwill
Chinky Pin
Carolina Mountain Home
Hard Luck Blues
Think of What You’ve Done
Jesus Will Save Your Soul
Lee Highway Blues
Gonna Lay Down My Old Guitar
Jenny Lynn
The Old Hometown
These videos are from a concert in Spokane, WA in 1988. Courtesy of Barry Brower www.barrybrower.org)
Fultz, Bobbi - Centralia Waltz Video by Shirley Calvert at a Washington Old Time Fiddlers show, Des Moines, WA.
Gish, Don - Cotton Patch Rag
Blackberry Blossom
Shannon Waltz
He was the instigator and founder of the Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association.
Hall, Kenny - Policeman
Raisin’ the Roof in Georgia, A Soldier and his Sweetheart, Little Girl Dressed in Blue
Back Up and Push, Texas Bobwire
Bill Cheatum
Angeline the Baker
“I Hear What You See: The Old-Time World of Kenny Hall”
Roll Along Kentucky Moon
Wreck of the No. 9
“Kenny Hall, Fresno”, including Turkey in the Straw, Those Fresno Chiles
Cow Punchers Waltz, Preacher in the Wood Pile
Whiskey Before Breakfast
Hallelujah I’m A Bum
She’s Got Money Too
Hallsville, Missouri Dance - From a dance in Hallsville, MO, October, 2012
Nine Miles - Square dance with fiddling by John White and Vivian Williams
Hart, Allen - Doodle Bug (fiddle)
Old Jimmy Sutton (banjo)
Cuckoo No. 2
Cluck Old Hen
Herd, Jim- Tennessee Grey Eagle
Monkey in the Dog Cart
Katydid Waltz
Katy Hill All the preceding videos were made in Williams camp at the Weiser, ID, fiddle contest in 1991 by Barry Brower.
Johnson, Harry - Waltzing in Old San Antone Videoed by Brid Nowlan at the Washington State Fiddle Contest, East Wenatchee, WA.
CDs of Harry Johnson may be found on the Washington Old Time Fiddlers web site.
Kiesecker, Gil - Show me the Way to Go Home Videoed at a Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association "WOTFA" Fiddle Show, Des Moines, WA, by Shirley Calvert.
Clearwater Stomp Videoed at a workshop at the Northwest Folklife Festival, Seattle WA.
Kimball, Amy - Step dancing to Mason's Apron, played by Vivian Williams, fiddle; Phil Williams, guitar, at a WOTFA fiddle show, October, 2013.
Lamb, Barbara - Forked Deer
Little Rabbit
Marshall, Howard - Evansville Missouri
Over the Waves
Kiss Me Waltz All preceding videos made at Huckleberry Coffee Shop, Weiser, ID. This is a popular jam spot during the National Old Time Fiddle Contest as, besides good coffee, it has a piano. Mussel Wolf from Booneville, MO, is playing piano, Vivian Williams is the other fiddler. Taken by Phil Williams.
Peacock Rag
Kansas City Kitty
Millers Reel
Dixie Hoedown
Evansville Missouri
McFalls, Fred and Bryson, Ben - Greenback Dollar, Lonely Tombs, All The Good Times, Maggie Blues, Double Banjo Blues
Crawdad Song, Long Journey Home, Curly Headed Baby, Bluegrass Breakdown
Meltzer, Howie - Rachel; Texas Both of these are from the Centralia Old Time Music Campout.
Moore, Gary Lee - Rat Cheeze Taken at the Washington State Fiddle Contest, East Wenatchee, WA, by Brid Nowlan.
Red Skin Rag (From the NW Folklife Festival.)
Uncle Pig; Beaumont Rag These two videos are from the WOTFA Fiddle Show in Des Moines, WA.
Acorn Stomp From Weiser, 2011.
Scoldin’ Ladies
Jack of Diamonds
Bill Cheatham/Waynesboro
Brown Skin Gal
Mississippi Sawyer
Acorn Stomp From Seattle Folklore Society Fiddler Showcase
When I Get Too Old to Dream
Red Skinned Gal
Beaumont Rag
Bill Cheatum From the Seattle Folklore Society Fiddler Showcase
Notatious - Old Red Barn Medley
Beemer Quadrille No. 1 Fig. 2
Stone’s Rag
New Rigged Ship The preceding videos of Notatious were taken by Shirley Calvert at a WOTFA Fiddle Show, Des Moines, WA. Notatious is Vivian Williams & Bonnie Zahnow, fiddles, Phil Williams, mandolin, W. B. Reid, banjo guitar.
Savoy, Marc -One Step de Duson
Selby, Raymond - Harvester Polka
Beaumont Rag These videos taken at the Washington State Fiddle Contest, Wenatchee, WA, by Brid Nowlan.
Stephens, Duane - The Widder Wants to Marry Duane learned from his dad, Missouri fiddler Monte Stephens. Taken on the lawn of the Colonial Motel, Weiser, ID, by Phil Williams.
Stripling, Lee - Kennedy Rag
Lost John
My Little Girl
Big Four
Goodnight Waltz
Wolves Howling Preceding videos from a house concert at Williams, Seattle, 2001 by Phil Williams.
Texas Shorty - See "Chancellor, Jim," above.
Veenstra, Hank - Reel Beatrice Taken at the Washington State Fiddle Contest, Wenatchee, WA, by Brid Nowlan.
Washington Old Time Fiddlers - Arkansas Traveler, Golden Slippers, Red Wing. Performed by a group of fiddlers at a WOTFA fiddle show, October, 2013.
Widner, Jimmy - Flop Eared Mule Taken at a jam session at the Moore's camp, Weiser, ID.
Waltz Across Texas
Williams, John - Happy Jack
Williams, Phil & Vivian - “D” Blues
Balen I Karlstad; Taken at a WOTFA fiddle show, Des Moines, WA, by Shirley Calvert.
Sir John MacDonald’s Waltz
Jenny Lind Polka
Drops of Brandy Taken at a WOTFA fiddle show, Chehalis, WA, by Shirley Calvert.
Concert Reel, Starry Nights and Candlelight, Peter Barnes; Taken at the National Old Time Fiddle Contest, Weiser, ID, in 1999, the year Vivian won the Senior Division.
Quadrille Set Five Fig. 1
Mazurka from Mr. Howard
Evening Star Waltz
Darkie Sett Fig II The preceding four videos of tunes from the Peter Beemer Manuscript were videoed in the Williams livingroom.
Turkey in the Straw
Old Joe Clark
Weevily Wheat
Gobblers Knob
Sara Brown
Nellie Bly
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms; The preceding eight videos were taken at a house concert at Kate Bowers, Bow, WA.
Clarinet Polka
Hiawatha, Newcastle Hornpipe, President Garfields
Ferry Bridge Hornpipe Medley (Ferry Bridge, Danny Flannigan’s Clog, Rickett’s; The preceding four videos were from a concert at the Seattle Concert Theater, Seattle, WA in
Tall Timber was Vivian Williams, fiddle; Barney Munger, banjo, bass; Sue Thompson, guitar; and Phil Williams, bass, mandolin)
Peacock Rag
Soldiers Joy; The preceding two videos were made at Huckleberry Coffee Shop, Weiser, ID, with Howard Marshall, fiddle, and Mussel Wolfe, piano.
Rippling Water Jig, Mason’s Apron
Mississippi Sawyer, Soldier’s Joy, Arkansas Traveler, Chicken Reel
Midnight on the Water
Mother’s Reel, The Mackilmoyle, Big John McNeil
The Oregon Trail; The preceding five videos were taken at Under The Rail club, Seattle, WA.
Miss Farquarson’s Reel Taken at an Oregon Trail show, Tumwater, WA.
State Contest Round 2007 - Ryestraw, Rosebud of Allenvale, Happy Acres Two-Step A competition round at the Washington State Old Time Fiddle Contest, East Wenatchee, WA.
Video by Brid Nowlan.
Marmaduke’s Hornpipe Taken at a Northwest Folklife Festival performance, Stuart Williams, fiddle; Phil Williams, guitar.
Squire Creek Taken at the Darrington Bluegrass Festival, Darrington, WA. The band is "The Friends of Sally Johnson" - Vivian Williams, fiddle; Harley Bray, banjo; Barry Brower, mandolin;
Shera Bray, guitar; Phil Williams, bass.
Yankee Doodle Taken by Jens Lund at a performance of our program "Fiddle Tunes of the Lewis & Clark Era" at Horsethief Lake State Park, WA.
Silver Wedding Waltz Taken at Williams camp at the Weiser fiddle contest.
Aqua Barn Square Dance Taken by Michael Williams at a square dance at the Aqua Barn Ranch, Maple Valley Highway, WA. The caller is Kappie Kappenman. The band is Vivian
Williams, fiddle; Phil Williams, guitar; Judy Webster, bass.
Saturday Waltz Taken by Carol Burns at a concert in Tumwater, WA.
Gal on the Log A tune played during the Civil War and at a wedding in Seattle in 1862
Annie Laurie (A tune played during the Civil War)
Old Gray Mare A tune played during the Civil War, using a Civil War fretless banjo.
Money Musk Played at Lincoln's Inaugural Ball, by Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart's band, and for a dance at the Union's Johnson Island prison camp.
Life Let Us Cherish A tune played during the Civil War, commonly used for the "basket" quadrille figure. Accompanied by Phil on a mid-19th century guitar.
My Skiff is On The Shore A beautiful waltz from The Neilson Music Book, a manuscript written by a fiddler in Cuilhill, Scotland, in 1875 from which he played dances. Accompanied by Phil Williams, guitar. Video from a WOTFA Fiddle Show.
Nine Miles A great breakdown Vivian learned from Missouri fiddler, John White. Phil Williams, guitar. Videoed at a Washington Old Time Fiddlers (WOTFA) show October, 2013
Brahms Polka A polka Vivian learned from California fiddler, Verg Evans. Played also entirely in double stops. Phil Williams, guitar. Videoed at a Washington Old Time Fiddlers (WOTFA) show October, 2013.
Mason's Apron Vivian is playing this for step dancing by Amy Kimball. Phil Williams, guitar.
Videoed at a Washington Old Time Fiddlers (WOTFA) show October, 2013.
Leather Britches
Ragtime Annie - From a video made at the Idaho State Fiddle Contest, Nampa, Idaho, 2012, Vivian was a judge.
Jamming for Northwest Folklife, 1977 - Video by KCTS, Seattle, hosted by Suzanne Tedesko. Includes Vivian, Phil, Hank Bradley, Dick Marvin, Ellen Marx, Mike Seeger, Dumisami Marimba Band, Swedish Fiddlers, Eskimos, Mark O'Conner.
The following videos of Vivian Williams were made at a concert of tunes she learned from Pacific Northwest fiddlers at the 2011 Portland Old Time Gathering:
Canadian Heel & Toe Polka
Tennessee Grey Eagle
Money Musk
Jean LaTippe
A & E Waltz
Republic Schottische
Sam & Elzie
Clearwater Stomp
St. John’s Hoedown
Christmas Eve
Farmers Jamboree
Saturday Waltz
Fairy Waltz
Ragtime Annie
The following videos of Vivian & Phil Williams were taken at an entertainment set done by them at the National Old Time Fiddle Contest, Weiser, ID, 2011:
Helena Polka
Red Fox Waltz
The Gobby-O
Soldiers Joy
McCoy’s Waltz
Slumber Polka
Beemer Quadrille 7 Fig. 3
Fairy Waltz
Kate Kearney Waltz
Lucy Long Polka
The following videos were recorded at the Western Open Fiddle Contest, Red Bluff, CA, 2013.
Gal on the Log, Ryestraw, Glise De Sherbooke - Jamming and talking with David Johns, guitar, on the lawn outside the contest.
Peter Barnes, Concert Reel, Lost Indian, Old Coon Dog, Nine Miles, My Skiff is on the Shore, Woolsey Waltz No. 3, Ryestraw, Yellow Barber - Jamming on a bench outside the fiddle contest site. Peter Barnes was written by Frank Ferrel, Nine Miles is from Missouri fiddler John White, My Skiff is on the Shore is from the Neilson Manuscript, Scotland, 1875, Woolsey Waltz No. 3 was written by Jack Woolsey, Canyon City, Oregon, around the 1860s and is in the Haynes Family Manuscript from the Willamette Valley in pioneer times
Washington Old Time Fiddlers Show Jams
Golden Slippers
Red Wing
Arkansas Traveler
History of Washington State Fiddling with Brid Nowlan, Warren Argo, John White, Stuart Williams, Phil Williams, Vivian Williams - A panel discussion and demonstration of the principal styles of traditional Pacific Northwest fiddling and where they came from on the Narrative Stage, Northwest Folklife Festival.